Our Client Stories

Our Patients Say​

John G Client

Cross Care Group took the time to understand my individual needs, goals and desires. Their staff are friendly and highly experienced.

Jasmine O Client's Mother

I am immensely grateful for the outstanding support that has been and continues to be provided to my daughter.

Darren E Support Coordinator

Cross Care Group is one of the few health care support institutions that I trust. Their level of professionalism is outstanding.

Tilli's Story

Tilli's Story

Matilda (Tilli) is a two-year-old child diagnosed with severe hypoxic brain injury (Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy), dystonic quadriplegic cerebral palsy and refractory seizure disorder.

Round the Clock Complex Care and High Needs Support

Tilli requires specialised, expert care to improve her quality of life. Her remote location requires coordination with rural plane and helicopter emergency transport services.

Compassionate and Competent Staff

Cross Care Group provided Tilli with the team to properly manage her complex care needs. All areas of her care are thoroughly managed with extensive and comprehensive management plans.